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  • Firefox / Safari: Hold Shift while clicking Reload, or press either Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R (⌘-R on a Mac)
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/* CSS placed here will affect users of the Vector skin */

/* * * * * * * * * * * * */


/* Normal, extant, unvisited links -- black */
A { color: #000000 }

/* Unvisited non-extant links 7622C red */ { color: #97272C }

/* Unvisited Menu items -- black */
DIV#mw-panel DIV.portal DIV.body UL LI A { color: #000000 }

/* Unvisited menu tabs -- black */
DIV.vectorTabs LI A { color: #000000 }

/* Visited items -- 288C blue */
DIV#mw-panel DIV.portal DIV.body UL LI A:visited { color: #002D72 }
DIV.vectorTabs LI A:visited { color: #002D72 }
A:visited { color: #002D72 }


Basic text font stack.

Normal sans serif: Roboto 2014 preferred (but has a name collission with Roboto 2012).  Most edge cuts should be horizontal, thus Helvetica-style typefaces are preferred to vertical cut like Segoe, Frutiger, DejaVu Sans, or Open Sans.


/* This seems to be where the default sans serif is specified, and vector, left to its own devices, will go with just whatever the user's default is */

BODY { font-family: Roboto, Univers, "Helvetica Std", HelveticaStd, Helvetica, "Nimbus Sans L", NimbusSansL, "Nimbus Sans", NimbusSans, "Helvetica Neue", HelveticaNeue, "Helvetica Neue Std", HelveticaNeueStd, Arial, "Liberation Sans", LiberationSans, Arimo, Lato, sans-serif }

/* This is for the '''Remember that you are only previewing this CSS. It has not yet been saved!''' note and anything else covered by this.  7622C red. */
.previewnote, DIV.previewnote { color: #97272C }

/* * * * * * * * * * * * */


Reference Pantone list; some of which are no longer part of our brand specification, admittedly




BODY { background-color:#FFFFFF; background-image:linear-gradient(#FFFFFF  0%, #FFFFFF  20%, #BBBCBC 100%); height:100%; background-repeat:no-repeat; }

/* White background for pre-CSS3 CSS capable browsers */
BODY { background-color:#FFFFFF; }

#mw-head-base, #mw-page-base {background-color:#FFFFFF }

#mw-head { background-color:#FFFFFF }

/* Raise your hand if you know what CSS3 is */
@media  (min-width:1em)
    #mw-head-base, #mw-page-base {background-color:#FFFFFF; background-image:linear-gradient(#FFFFFF 0%, FFFFFF 50%, #BBBCBC  100%) }
    BODY { background-color:#BBBCBC; background-image:linear-gradient(#FFFFFF  0%, #FFFFFF  20%, #BBBCBC 100%); height:100%; background-repeat:no-repeat; }

/* Replacing Alegreya stack with Avant Garde stack; might want to install an @font-face here.

.mw-body H1, .mw-body H2, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7, H8 { font-family: Alegreya, "Bookman", "Century Schoolbook", "Linux Libertine",Georgia,Times,serif; }

.mw-body H1, .mw-body H2, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7, H8 { font-family: "TeX Gyre Adventor", "Avant Garde", AvantGarde, "Avant Gard", "ITC Avant Garde", ITCAvantGarde, Futura, Futura-Bold, "Futura Bold", "Century Gothic", CenturyGothic, "Apple Gothic", AppleGothic, "URW Gothic L", TwCen, "Twentieth Century", "Futura PT", "Heiti SC", "Heiti TC", "Didact Gothic", Questrial, Muli, Avenir, Sofia, "Gill Sans", GillSans, Kabel, OptiKabel, "Open Sans", "Noto Sans", NotoSans, Noto, "Droid Sans", DroidSans, Droid, "DejaVu Sans", DejaVuSans, "Bitstream Vera", BitstreamVera, Vera, "DejaVu LGC Sans", Geneva, sans-serif; }

H1, H2, H5, .mw-body H5 { font-weight:700 }
H3, H4, .mw-body H3, .mw-body H4  { font-weight:900 }
H6, .mw-body H6 { font-weight:400 }
A { text-decoration: underline; }
A:hover { color:#002D72 }
A:active { color:#97272C }
DIV#mw-panel div.portal H3, DIV#footer UL LI {  color:#000000 }

DIV#mw-panel DIV.portal DIV.body UL LI A:hover { color:#002D72 }
DIV#mw-panel DIV.portal DIV.body UL LI A:active { color:#97272C }

/* Edit Source */
TT, #wpTextbox1 
    font-family: "Roboto Mono", RobotoMono, Inconsolata, Consolas, Monaco, "Bitstream Vera Sans", "DejaVu Sans Mono", "Deja Vu Sans Mono", "Liberation Mono", "Nu Sans Mono", "Source Code Pro", "Fira Mono", "Anonymous Pro", "Proggy Clean",   "Andale Mono", Hack, Dina, Crystal, monospace

/* An attempt to keep image sizes under control given the engine-imposed limitations on image responsiveness */

    max-width: 100%;
    height: auto;